Bryan Sim | BaritoneBryan was born in Sibu and grew up in Bintulu, Sarawak. His first musical instrument was the piano. He achieved ABRSM Grade 8 certificate in piano and Trinity Guildhall Grade 8 certificate in voice with merit. He graduated with Bachelor Degree of Classical Music (Hons.) in UCSI University. He studied classical voice with Ms. Rachel Tan, Ms. Cecelia Yap, and Mr. Solomon Chong and piano studies with Ms. Carolyn Lo. He serves as a music teacher at Kuala Lumpur Kuen Cheng High School and Vocal Instructor at Sunway Lutheran Church. He is a former chorister of BCCMA Singers, Bintulu Youth Festival Chorale, Kenaniah Chorale and Kenaniah Youth Festival Chorale. He has been actively involved in choral camps, performances, workshops and competitions. He was the president of Kenaniah Youth Festival Chorale and also served as president and bass sectional leader in UCSI Mixed Choir. He was selected by Pro Musica and Opera Plus vocal workshop and performances, in which he was coached by program director and principal vocal coach, Ms. Loh Siew Tuan, specialist coach and pianist, Hein Boterberg, Michael Hampton and stage director, Benoît De Leersnyder and Kittinant Chins. He was invited as a soloist for the premier of Light of the World, The Servant Song and Bach’s B minor mass concert tour in East Malaysia under the baton of Rev. Lee Chong Min. Bryan has recently been invited as guest soloist and vocal coach in choral camps in East Malaysia. He is also a member of the East Malaysia Bach Cantata Singers and the Malaysia Bach Festival Singers led by Dr. David Chin.
沈偉毅 | 男中音 偉毅出身於砂拉越詩巫成長於民都魯。考獲英國皇家音樂學院鋼琴文憑第八級及英國 三一音樂學院聲樂文憑第八級。畢業於吉隆坡思特雅大學(UCSI)古典音樂學士學位。 主修聲樂,副修鋼琴。偉毅受惠於聲樂恩師陳貞旋老師、葉潔芝老師、張金龍老師及鋼琴家羅美燕老師。目前任教于吉隆坡坤成中学之音乐教师及信义会双威堂領詩小组声乐指导老师。他曾經是民都魯聖歌團、民都魯少年慶典聖詠團、基拿尼雅聖樂團及基拿尼雅少年慶典聖詠團團員。少年時期至今擁有許多合唱經驗的他曾擔任基拿尼雅少年慶典聖詠團及UCSI混聲合唱團團長兼男低音小組組長。他曾受選參加Pro Musica 及 Opera Plus聲樂工作坊。他榮幸地向節目總監兼聲樂導師Ms. Loh Siew Tuan學習聲樂。除此之外他也與專業鋼琴導師Hein Boterberg, Michael Hampton及舞台導演Benoit De Leersnyder, Kittinant Chins學習。 其參演過的聖樂作品包括韓德爾的《彌賽亞》,孟德爾頌的《以利亞》及《聖保羅》,莫札特的《安魂曲》及《C小調彌撒曲》,巴赫的《B小調彌撒曲》及《聖約翰受難曲》。 2016年受邀於「聖樂新著发表音樂会」演出《世界之光》·《仆人之歌》東馬首演。 2017年受邀於“東馬聖樂巡迴音樂會”演出《B小調彌撒曲》。 2018年受邀於東馬巴赫清唱劇崇拜會演唱經文歌第230號《萬國啊!讚美主!》清唱 劇第187號《全都仰望你》。 2018年受邀於吉隆坡巴赫清唱劇崇拜會演唱經文歌第225號《向耶和華唱新歌!》及清唱劇第39首《把你的餅分給肌餓的人》 2018年受邀於“信·望·愛”音樂晚會演出神劇——韓德爾 |