Chia Wee Kiat | CountertenorPraised for his "rich and deep countertenor voice" by the Boston Musical Intelligencer, touring performer Malaysian countertenor Wee Kiat CHIA has participated in events in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Vietnam, Austria, Australia and the United States.
His recent engagements include his 2018 debut with Spot Pocket Opera Theatre, Singapore, his position as a Voice Fellow at the Music Academy of the West 2017, his participation at the Song Continues 2017 with Marilyn Horne, Dame Felicity Lott, and Margo Garrett at the Carnegie Hall, and at the Fall Island Vocal Arts Seminar 2016, where he was given the chance to work with mezzo-soprano Stephanie Blythe, composers Alan Smith and Tom Cipullo. Wee Kiat was also a 2017 finalist in the Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions New England Region. In September 2016, he participated in the professional première of the Beth Morrison Projects’ Ouroboros Trilogy in Boston, covering the roles of Xiao Qing (Green Snake) in all three operas. Wee Kiat was the 2013 first prize winner in the 8th Yin Qi Singing Competition in Malaysia. In 2011, he was admitted into the Salzburg Voice Festival (SVF) and was awarded the Singers’ Award. As a laureate, Wee Kiat participated in the SVF 2012 and his exceptional artistry was once again recognized by the Singers’ Album Award from the organization. In 2010, he won first prize in the Tan Ngiang Kaw/Tan Ngiang Ann Memorial Vocal Competition in Singapore. He was also a semi-finalist in the Competizione dell’opera 2009 held in Bremen, Germany. Wee Kiat made his debut as a soloist in Abendmusiken, a concert organized by the Singapore Chapter of the American Guild of Organists (AGO) in 2007 singing Dieterich Buxtehude’s Membra Jesu Nostri. He was invited in 2009 by the opera company OperaViva (Singapore) to perform in their inaugural concert. He has sung leading roles in operas including Monteverdi’s L’incoronazione di Poppea (Ottone), Benjamin Britten’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Oberon), Henry Purcell’s King Arthur (Cold Genius), Jonathan Berger’s The War Reporter, excerpts from Handel’s Giulio Cesare (Tolomeo and title role), Rinaldo (title role), Johann Strauss’s Die Fledermaus (Orlofsky), Mozart’s Mitridate, re di Ponto (Farnace) and Die Zauberflöte (Third Attendant), Paola Prestini’s Gilgamesh (Xiao Qing), Scott Wheeler’s Naga (Xiao Qing) and Jonathan Dove's Flight (The Refugee). He has also sung as the alto soloist in Mozart’s Requiem, Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater, Handel's Messiah, Vivaldi's Nisi Dominus RV608, Bernstein's Chichester Psalms, Bach’s Magnificat, Saint John Passion, Saint Matthew Passion, Mass in B minor and many of his cantatas. He has worked with conductors Federico Cortese, Matthew Aucoin, Speranza Scappucci, Giuseppe Mentuccia, John Churchwell, Ashley Solomon, Scott Allen Jarrett, Andrew Sheranian, Julian Wachner, Steven Karidoyanes, Lidiya Yankovskaya, William Lumpkin, Mark Dwyer, Ian Watson, George Case, Miguel Felipe, Gregory Brown, Nicholas Kok, Stuart Stratford, Perry So, Alan Cumberland, Volker Hartung, Zechariah Goh Toh Chai, Rev. Lee Chong Min and David Chin, and directors James Darrah, Andrew Sinclair, Ceri Sherlock, Jim Petosa, Javier Andrade Córdova, Tara Faircloth, Bob Scanlan, Stephen Barlow and King-man Lo. Wee Kiat graduated from Singapore Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA) – Diploma in Music Performance with distinction in 2009. In 2010, He received his Bachelor of Arts (First-Class Honours) in Music at NAFA (validated by University of Wales), and was awarded the Embassy of Peru Award in recognition for his outstanding achievements in various musical disciplines. He was also one of the recipients of the Best Graduate Award. In 2012, Wee Kiat graduated top of his class with Master of Music in Performance at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) with distinction. He has studied voice with soprano, Nancy Yuen. Currently, Wee Kiat is pursuing his Doctor in Musical Arts (DMA) at Boston University College of Fine Arts School of Music under the tutelage of Dr. Lynn Eustis. 謝偉吉 | 高男高音 受波士頓音評雜志譽為“歌聲濃郁並兼具深度的高男高音”,謝偉吉曾參與馬來西亞,新加坡,印度尼西亞,香港,台灣,越南,奧地利,澳洲及美國的音樂演出與活動。 近期邀約包括了2018年與新加坡袖珍歌劇團的首次合作。2017年受邀參與於美國西部音樂學院主辦的夏日音樂季。同年,受邀由著名聲樂家次女高音瑪日琳 赫恩主辦的“續樂大師班”。2016年於紐約市的Fall Island藝術歌曲研習會與著名聲樂家次女高音史黛芬妮 布萊絲,並美國作曲家湯姆 赤布羅及亞蘭 史密斯合作。偉吉是2017年美國大都會歌劇院聲樂大賽新英格蘭區大決賽的歌手之一。同時,也於2016年由美國“貝絲茉莉遜企劃”於波士頓主辦的《銜尾蛇三傳》世界首演中擔任三部歌劇中小青的備角。 2013年,於音契聖樂團在馬來西亞吉隆坡舉辦的第八屆歌唱觀摩賽中榮獲冠軍。2011年,獲選參與“薩爾茲堡聲樂節”,並獲頒最佳歌手獎。2012年,受邀參與該聲樂節並參演該屆的開幕演出。同時,他在音樂藝術上的超凡表現,再次於主辦單位所頒發的“歌手唱片獎”中得到了肯定。2010年,在新加坡“紀念陳仰厚/陳仰安聲樂大賽”中得冠。2009年,入圍於德國不來梅舉辦的歌劇聲樂大賽的半決賽。2007年,首次以獨唱者的身份受邀參演了由新加坡Chapter of the American Guild of Organists所呈現的布斯特琥德的神曲《主耶穌的軀體》。2009年,受邀參演新加坡歌劇團OperaViva的創團首演。 參演過的歌劇有蒙特威爾第的《波佩亞的加冕》(奧多納),本傑明 布裡登的《仲夏夜之夢》(仙皇歐博榮恩),亨利 浦瑟的《亞瑟王》(冰靈),喬納丹 伯格的《戰地記者》。歌劇選曲包括韓德爾的《凱撒大帝》(托洛靡歐及同名主角)及《瑞納多》劇中主角,約翰施 特勞斯的《蝙蝠》(歐羅夫斯基王子),莫扎特的《魔笛》(第三侍從),《皇帝的慈悲》(法納琪),Paola Prestini的《Gilgamesh》(小青) 及Scott Wheeler的《Naga》(小青)及喬納丹 德芙的《啟航》。演繹過的聖樂包括莫扎特的《安魂曲》,佩爾戈萊西的《聖母悼歌》,韓德爾的《彌撒亞》,維瓦爾第的《若非上主》,伯恩斯代吟的《奇切斯特詩篇》,巴赫的《尊主頌》,《聖約翰受難曲》,《聖馬太受難曲》及其多部清唱劇。 曾合作過的指揮包括Federico Cortese,Matthew Aucoin,Speranza Scappucci,Giuseppe Mentuccia,John Churchwell,Ashley Solomon,Scott Allen Jarrett,Andrew Sheranian,Julian Wachner,Steven Karidoyanes,Lidiya Yankovskaya,William Lumpkin,Mark Dwyer,Ian Watson,George Case,Miguel Felipe,Gregory Brown,Nicholas Kok,Stuart Stratford,Perry So,Alan Cumberland,Volker Hartung,吳多才,李忠民牧師及陳子虔。合作過的導演則包括了James Darrah,Andrew Sinclair,Ceri Sherlock,Jim Petosa,Javier Andrade Cordova,Tara Faircloth,Bob Scanlan,Stephen Barlow 及盧景文。 2009年於新加坡南洋藝術學院考獲南藝院士文憑(特優)。2010年,於南藝考獲了由威爾斯大學鑒定的音樂學士學位(第一等榮譽)。同時以其中一名最佳畢業生獎得主的身份榮獲了由秘魯大使親自頒發的秘魯大使獎,表揚其音樂事業上的特出表現。2012年,以全級第一的成績於香港演藝學院考獲了音樂碩士文憑(特優)。啟蒙恩師為女高音阮妙芬。 目前,他於美國波士頓大學修讀音樂藝術博士學位,師承Lynn Eustis博士。 |