Chia Yee Yean | SopranoSoprano Chia Yee Yean is a native of Johor Bahru, Malaysia. She currently serves as the choir director at Trinity Presbyterian Church Muar. In addition, she is often invited by various organizations and churches to perform as soloist and provide masterclasses. Her recent performance highlights include Bach’s Mass in B minor, St. John Passion, and numerous cantatas; Handel’s Messiah; Telemann’s Weiche, Lust und Fröhlichkeit, Mendelssohn’s St. Paul, and Schumann’s Frauenliebe und leben, Op. 42, among others. Chia is the founding member of the Malaysia Bach Festival Choir and Orchestra, and also serves as the soloist and instructor at the East-Malaysia Bach Cantata Singers and Orchestra and Bachakademie. She also serves as a regular guest instructor at workshops organized by the International Christian Choral Conductor Society. She was the conductor of the Yin Qi Children’s Choir from 2010-2016, and served as the choral director at Mt. Carmel Church in Singapore, Vision Christian Church in Johor Bahru, and the City Disciple Presbyterian Church in Subang.
Chia graduated from Vienna Academy of Music and Performing Arts with the Master of Music degree in Vocal Performance, where she studied under Hilda De Groote and Helga Wagner. Since returning to Asia, she continued to study voice with renowned Hong Kong soprano Nancy Yuen, Malaysia’s chief soprano Cecilia Yap, tenor Lim Shieh Yih, and conductor Toh Ban Sheng, in addition to studying choral conducting from Dr. Audrey Chung. She has collaborated with conductors Rev. Lee Chong Min, Mdm. Elaine Pao, and Dr. David Chin, and has performed in both East and West Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia. She was also invited to sing at the ‘Liederabend', a German Art Song Series organized by the Goethe Institute and the Artists Platform, where her performance was well received. Chia has loved singing as a child, and her early voice instructors include Wai Yinn Chin and Lulu Yip. She was an active participant in solo and choral performances and competitions during her school days, and had won numerous awards. 女高音 | 謝依燕 女高音謝依燕出生於馬來西亞柔佛新山。目前是麻坡中華基督教會•長老會三一堂的詩班指揮。謝氏經常受邀於不同教會及各音樂團體,給予聲樂指導及擔任音樂會獨唱。近期的演唱曲目包括巴赫的《B小調彌撒曲》、《聖約翰受難曲》以及多首清唱劇;韓德爾的《彌賽亞》;特勒曼的《舒缓吧、欲望與愉快》;孟德爾松《聖保羅》以及舒曼的《女人的愛情與生命》等作品。謝氏是馬來西亞巴赫節慶典合唱與管絃樂團的創辦團員之一,並且也是東馬巴赫清唱劇聖歌與管絃樂團以及巴赫音樂學校的女高音獨唱以及導師。此外,她也經常受邀於國際基督教合唱指揮團的營會擔任導師。謝氏從2010-2016擔任音契兒童詩班的指揮,先後也在新加坡迦密山聖經長老會、新山異像教會以及梳邦城市門徒長老會擔任詩班指揮。 謝氏2004年畢業於維也納市立音樂及藝術學院,考獲演唱碩士學位,聲樂師從Hilda De Groote以及Helga Wagner。回到亞洲後,繼續向香港著名女高音阮妙芬、馬來西亞首席女高音葉潔芝、男高音林燮毅以及杜萬盛指揮學習聲樂,並且與鐘曉穎博士學習指揮。謝氏多次與指揮家李忠民牧師、鮑以靈老師以及陳子虔博士合作,在東西馬、新加坡以及印尼演出。她也曾受邀在馬來西亞歌德學院以及藝術平台所舉辦的『德文藝術歌曲之夜』上演唱,榮獲好評。謝氏從小喜愛歌唱,中學時期受啟蒙恩師衛燕貞 與黃曉君指導,活躍於合唱團以及獨唱的比賽與演出,獲獎無數。 |