Chong Eugene | CelloSabahan musician Chong Eugene started his musical journey at the age of 9 with the piano, subsequently taking up the cello at the age of 15. During his years in university studying Chemical Engineering, he had a realization that his true passion lay in Music. Upon graduation, he decided to become a musician. Eugene has been an active member of the Kuala Lumpur music scene since 2008, and has performed in the masterclass of renowned cellist, Jian Wang. Eugene is one of the founding members of the Malaysian Philharmonic Youth Orchestra (MPYO), and has also performed with the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra (MPO), the Selangor Symphony Orchestra (SSO), and other orchestras in the country. Eugene is also a regular performer at Bachfest Malaysia and the East Malaysia Bach Cantata Singers and Orchestra, and has performed many major works by Bach, such as the Mass in B minor, St. John Passion, and numerous cantatas.
Apart from performing in Classical Music, Eugene has also performed in many musical and theatre productions, and has done commercial work for Astro Chinese Golden Melodies, pop orchestras and bands, collaborating with Malaysian singers Jaclyn Victor, Vince Chong, Rozz, Anna Chong, Janet Lee, and renowned Hong Kong singers like Francis Yip. Eugene’s interests and passion has also crossed into the world of Indian Classical Music, where he has performed with the Temple of Fine Arts in a variety of productions. He is currently a member of the Sixteen Strings String Quartet which actively performs in KL, and has toured around Malaysia with the group. 张友敬 | 大提琴 张友敬9岁开始学钢琴,15岁开始学大提琴。在就读化工的时候,他发觉自己依然对音乐充满热诚,所以开始非常活跃于音乐圈子。他曾是马来西亚青年爱乐乐团(Malaysian Philharmonic Youth Orchestra)的团圆之一,也曾被邀请参与马来西亚爱乐乐团 (Malaysia Philharmonic Orchestra) 的演出。他现在是雪兰莪州交响乐团 (Selangor Symphony Orchestra)的成员之一。除此,他也非常活跃于马来西亚巴赫节 (Bachfest Malaysia)与东马清唱剧圣咏与管弦乐团的演出,与陈子虔博士合作演出多部巴赫的圣乐经典作品。除了古典音乐,张友敬也非常活跃于其他不同演出,如音乐剧、印度古典、华乐等。他也曾经和香港著名歌手叶丽仪同台演出,与本地歌手Jaclyn Victor、Vince Chong等合作。 |