Rachel Kwok | SopranoHong Kong born and raised Soprano Rachel Kwok obtained the Advance Diploma in Vocal Studies in the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, under the tutelage of Madam Ella Kiang. She holds the Bachelor of Social Science in Sociology of the Hong Kong Baptist University.
She started learning music with MusiCall and Resonance Chanters, ensembles with strong mission of spreading the gospel with music and providing training specifically in church music to churches. Actively participating in various concerts as a soloist and chorister, Rachel has performed various genres and styles of vocal music, including oratorios, operas, art songs, musical and pop. She made her debut as soloist with Die Konzertisten in 2013, performing John Rutter’s Magnificat. Then she has appeared in various concerts and theatre works. In 2016, she was one of the soloists of Bach im Theater series presented by SingFest Choral Academy, performing a staged version of Ich habe genug, BWV 82a, Schweigt stille, plaudert nicht, BWV 211 (also known as the Coffee Cantata). Recently, Rachel presented her recitals “Blessings" and "Christmas is a time to…” at Ling Nan University. It’s also her first time to appear as soloist in the Malaysia Bach Festival 2017, singing Mass in B Minor under the Baton of Dr. David Chin. She also performed Bach’s St John Passion, various church cantatas, Christmas Oratorio, Handel’s Messiah, Faure’s Requiem with different parties, including A&O Company, SingFest Choral Academy and MusiCall. In 2018, Rachel made her debut in Tokyo with Asia Emanuel Bach Orchestra & Choir, performing Vivaldi’s Gloria. As an opera singer, she performed in opera scenes and a semi-staged concert as Olympia (Les Contes d’Hoffmann), Gilda (Rigoletto), Queen of the Night (the Magic Flute), Juliet (Romeo and Juliet) and Lakmé (Lakmé). Rachel’s study in HKAPA is generously supported by the Hong Kong Government Scholarship Fund. She recently received the Espoir Prize in the 19th Osaka International Music Competition. 郭岍 | 女高音 香港女高音郭岍,修畢香港演藝學院聲樂演唱深造文憑,師隨歌唱家江樺女士。2009年獲頒香港浸會大學社會科學學士(主修社會學)。大學時期於基督徒樂隊擔任主唱,獲林思漢先生啟蒙立志以音樂分享信仰及生命,其後隨林氏研習音樂理論及合唱指揮。 畢業後加入教會樂圃樂團及共鳴基督徒詩班,學習教會音樂及以合唱作為媒介宣揚福音。於2012-2016年擔任香港公開大學壹公聲基督徒詩班指揮以合唱音樂與大學生經歷信仰及生命改變。 2013年,郭氏首次作獨唱演出,與Die Konzertisten 獻唱香港首演John Rutter: Magnificat。2016年參與聲蜚合唱學院(SingFest Choral Academy)巴赫劇場系列,以劇場型式呈現BWV82a 「我心滿足」及BWV211 「咖啡清唱劇」。 郭氏分別於2017年6月及12月獲邀於嶺南大學校牧處舉行個人獨唱會「祝福」及「聖誕是…」,分享藝術歌曲及詠嘆調。同年7月亦首次於馬來西亞巴赫聖樂節亮相,參與由陳子虔教授指揮、記念宗教改革五百周年的巴赫B小調彌撒曲音樂會。過往曾演唱的大型作品包括巴赫聖誕神曲、多套經文歌及教會清唱劇、韓德爾彌賽亞神曲、色列人在埃及、佛瑞「安魂曲」等。2018年,郭氏首次與東京 Asia Emanuel Bach Orchestra & Choir 合作,演出韋華弟《榮耀頌》,大獲好評。 歌劇演出方面,郭氏曾於荷夫曼的故事、弄臣、魔笛、風流寡婦及拉克美的歌劇選段演出。郭氏於2016年獲香港特別行政區政府頒發全額獎學金以支持她於音樂學習及音樂推廣方面的志願。郭氏剛於第十九屆大阪國際音樂比賽獲得Espoir Prize 特別獎。 |